College Tuition Continues to Grow and Young Borrowers Are Forced to Take Out Large Student Loans

author by Gregory Mark Fitzgerald on May. 07, 2018

Bankruptcy & Debt Credit & Debt Bankruptcy & Debt  Collection Other  Education 

Summary: Defaulting on a student loan almost always entails negative consequences, especially for young borrowers. In some cases, they may be forced to hold off on getting married, having kids, or starting businesses.

"With high tuition costs at so many colleges and universities, educational opportunities would simply cease to exist without student loans. They are the necessary evil, the double-edged sword, and the burden of over 44 million borrowers in the US today."

Read the entire article on the official Fitzgerald & Campbell, APLC blog. For more information on how to conquer your debt, be sure to check out The Bankruptcy Alternative, now available for purchase on Amazon!

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