Shoulder Decompression Surgery - St. Louis Car Accident Attorneys

author by Christopher Hoffmann on Oct. 13, 2017

Accident & Injury Accident & Injury  Car Accident Accident & Injury  Personal Injury 

Summary: If you are suffering from nerve impingement syndrome after a car accident injury, your doctor may recommend shoulder decompression surgery.

Car accidents can cause shoulder injuries. While most of these injuries can be treated with rest, medication and physical therapy, severe injuries may require surgery.

If you are suffering from nerve impingement syndrome after a car accident injury, your doctor may recommend shoulder decompression surgery or subacromial decompression. These surgical procedures may be performed arthroscopically, i.e., with small incisions using an arthroscope. It is a better alternative to an open surgery, because it minimizes recovery time. In this post, our St. Louis car accident attorney will talk about the shoulder decompression procedure, what can the victim expect after the surgery, and whether or not a car accident victim can receive compensation for the surgery costs.

About Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

It is a painful condition characterized by the narrowing of space between the acronium- small bone on the top of the shoulder and the rotator cuff. When this happens, the bone impinges upon the rotator cuff and the bursa in the shoulder causing pain and inflammation.

Shoulder Decompression Surgery

Arthroscopic shoulder decompression surgery requires two tiny incisions in the shoulder-one above the rotator cuff and the other at the deltoid joint. The surgeon examines the injury and tissues using an arthroscope, and then removes the soft tissue and bone that is causing the impingement.

Recovery time can vary significantly depending on a variety of factors such as the severity of the injury, and age and overall health of the patient. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), after the shoulder decompression surgery, the patient’s arm is placed in a sling. After the sling is removed, the patient may begin physical therapy and rehabilitation to restore full function and mobility of the affected arm. It may take two to four months for the patient to recover. However, some patients may take as long as a year.

Recovering Compensation for Shoulder Decompression Surgery After a Car Accident

A shoulder decompression surgery can be quite expensive and the patient may have to miss work as they undergo the procedure and then recover from it. The pain may limit the person’s ability to work if the job requires use of the shoulder.

If you have to undergo shoulder decompression surgery after a car accident, you may have the option to recover compensation. First, it is important to understand that the cost of treatment can quickly escalate. The total costs may include cost of surgery, hospitalization costs, and cost of medication and physical therapy.

Missouri law allows you to make a claim on the at-fault driver’s liability insurance, but it may not be easy to get them to cover all costs. Seek legal help from an experienced St. Louis car wreck lawyer. Your lawyer can help protect your rights and ensure that you receive the compensation you are legally entitled to for your injuries and losses. Call (314) 361-4242 to speak with an experienced St. Louis attorney and learn more about your legal right to compensation.

7751 Carondelet Ave #601
St. Louis, MO
Phone: (314) 361-4242

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